
St Margaret's 127th Speech Night and Prize Giving Ceremony

The St Margaret’s community comprising students, staff, parents and guests gathered at QPAC’s Concert Hall on Tuesday 8 October for the 127th annual Speech Night and Prize Giving Ceremony.

It was a special evening recognising the striving and achievements of students and staff throughout the year as well as an opportunity to formally farewell the graduating Year 12 students.

Special guests included Sister Gillian, Bishop Sarah Plowman (’90), Chair of School Council Debbie Smith, St Margaret’s Foundation Chair Penny Wolff (’92) and Old Girls’ Association President Nicole Devlin (’90).

During the proceedings, which were live streamed and watched by, at its peak, 204 viewers in Australia and eight other countries around the world, Principal Ros Curtis AM gave an address that focused on embracing the ‘ordinary’ in these extraordinary times and finding ‘glimmers’.

‘Being ordinary is not about doing nothing, being lazy or settling for second best. That would be uncommon and unusual. Being ordinary is about embracing our humanness, our part in community, accepting that we are not perfect and rejoicing in our authentic, imperfect selves. Ordinary is about conforming to the sensible rules and norms; to the expectations of civil behaviour, about aligning to a common set of values, such as our school values; of being a good citizen; of being rational – an ordinary member of the public.’

She encouraged the graduating Year 12s to think about life’s ‘glimmers’ or ‘micro moments that spark positive feelings’.

‘As you notice the expected and unexpected small gifts in your life, you begin appreciating the good, become more grateful, and more emotionally resilient. You might even feel more motivated to accomplish your goals because you have less emotional distress. Nothing will improve your mood more than bringing your attention to the present and focussing on your ‘glimmers’ – Those things in your life, that by virtue of being ordinary, hold extraordinary power. One place you are unlikely to find glimmers though is through your phone or on the screen.’

She concluded with these parting words to the graduating cohort: ‘I encourage you to be brave and take control of your social media use and its impact on you. Look elsewhere in your environment and intentionally focus on the so-called glimmers around you. Be present and take comfort from the ordinary in your life. These actions would guarantee you much joy and positivity as you navigate your futures. Relax and relish the joys, and everyday will be or could be the best day of your life!’ 

The guest speaker was Old Girl and public health practitioner Dr Amber Willink (’02), who shared that her years at St Margaret’s gave her an important foundation, not just in learning her ABCs as she did in her early primary years but in developing important life skills such as A – adaptability, B – bravery and C – curiosity. 

Amber said: ‘To the graduating class, this moment represents the culmination of many years of hard work, but it also marks the beginning of something exciting and new. As you step into this next chapter, I encourage you to remember the ABCs, be adaptable, be brave and be curious. And remember that these are the traits that St Margaret’s has encouraged within you, which will help you navigate life’s inevitable twists and turns. Seize the opportunities that come your way and never forget that you are part of a community that will always be here to support you wherever you go. Per Volar Sunata.’

Award recipients included Regina Brennan and Katie Flanagan who each received Staff Awards for Excellence in Teaching and 樱桃福利视频 and Service to the School Community.

Cailtin Williams was awarded The Raymond Rees Award for Dux (internal), while Rose Brown received the Proxime Accessit to the Dux (internal). Jialiyu Liu received the Primary School Dux and Holly Clarke received the Proxime Accessit to the Primary School Year 6 Dux.

Annie Kidd was awarded the prestigious Old Girls’ Prize and Year 11 student Molly Robson was awarded the Foundation Prize.

Guests also enjoyed stunning performances by soloists and various music ensembles showcasing the dedication and musical talent of our students.

Congratulations to all award recipients on their striving and achievements throughout 2024.

To our graduating seniors, take inspiration from the words of Best Day of My Life by American Authors, the song featured in the Speech Night video: “I had a dream so big and loud, I jumped so high I touched the clouds’. Treat every day now as if it is the ‘best day of your life’.

Per Volar Sunata – it’s time now to fly upwards.