Stravidari Strings/Jackson Wind Ensemble Department
On Saturday 22 February, the Music Department will be holding rehearsals for students involved in Stradivari Strings and Jackson Wind Ensemble. The focus of the rehearsal is two-fold; it will be an opportunity for students to spend time rehearsing new repertoire in the lead up to Open Day, and it will also allow students to further build friendships with others in their respective ensembles. The day will run from 9:00am – 12:30pm. We understand that Mary Poppins rehearsals will also be occurring during the morning. For students who are involved in both, Mary Poppins rehearsals will take priority. Ms Bracken will provide a schedule in advance so that students can check if there may be an opportunity to attend some of the Stradivari Strings/Jackson Wind Ensemble rehearsals. A letter with further information is attached. (PDF 452.5KB)
Mary Poppins Props Request
Mary Poppins the Musical is nearly here. Students look amazing in their costumes, the sets look spectacular and the songs sound beautiful. There is still a way you can be involved as we are still looking to the greater St Margaret’s community for some assistance with sourcing remaining props. As the musical is set in 1910 London, in a middle-class home, pre-loved items will help to create the mise-en-scene. If you or a family member has one of the following items that you would like to donate to the musical, please email Mrs Lucy Hulme: lhulme@stmargarets.qld.edu.au. Thank you in advance for your help!
Please see the photos below for inspiration on what we need. We are currently on the hunt for the following items that can be returned after the musical:

- Umbrella stand for the Banks household.
- Vintage and old looking toys for the Banks children bedroom – ideas include Jack in the Box, building blocks, trucks, dolls, tea sets, toy soldiers.
- Bobby Hat & Bobby Jacket.
- Puppet dog that barks.
We are also looking for a hat stand that can be modified for stage use, so will be unable to be returned.
Open Day Times
The St Margaret’s Music Department is very much looking forward to presenting music performances at the upcoming Open Day to be held on Saturday 8 March. Draft performance times are listed below (to be confirmed soon):
Circular Drive Stage
9:30am Sculthorpe String Quartet
9:45am Amati Strings
10:00am Stradivari Strings
10:15am Chamber Strings
10:30am Exultate
10:45am Mary Poppins Preview
11:45am Stage Band
12:00pm Highly Strung
12:10pm Tuesday Rock Band
12:20pm Monday Rock Band
Eton Hall
9:30am Chaseley Concert Band
9:45am Sister Helen Wind Symphony
10:00am Elayne Jones Percussion Ensemble
10:15am Jackson Wind Ensemble
10:30am Belle Voci
10:45am Primary Chorale
11:45am Speech & Drama Performances
12:00pm Serenata
12:15pm Volare
Toorak Courtyard
11:00am Brass Ensemble
11:10am Flute Ensemble
11:20am Clarinet Ensemble
11:30am Saxophone Ensemble
11:40am Beath String Quartet
Primary Atrium
10:00am Tutti Strings
Performance Uniforms
Students are required to wear a performance uniform for some senior auditioned music ensembles. Students are encouraged to purchase the uniform as soon as possible at the School Supplies Shop in preparation for Open Day (8 March). Music ensemble uniform requirements are as follows:
Choral Ensembles:
Serenata, Belle Voci, Chorale, Encorah: School middy
Volare, Exultate: Black performance uniform with white ribbon and black shoes (ballet flats).
Band Ensembles:
Chaseley Concert Band, Jackson Wind Ensemble: School middy
Saxophone/Clarinet/Flute/Brass/Elayne Jones Percussion Ensembles and Stage Band: School middy
Sister Helen Wind Symphony: Black performance uniform with black shoes (ballet flats). (Sister Helen Wind Symphony students may remain in their black performance uniform when performing in Saxophone/Clarinet/Flute/Brass/Elayne Jones Percussion Ensembles and Stage Band).
String Ensembles:
Tutti Strings, Amati Strings, Beath String Quartet, Stradivari Strings: School middy
Chamber Strings, Sculthorpe String Quartet: Black performance uniform with white ribbon and black shoes (ballet flats). (Chamber Strings students may remain in their black performance uniform when performing in Stradivari Strings.)
Rock Bands:
Highly Strung: School middy
Secondary Rock Bands: Smart blue jeans, sneakers and ‘M Factor’ polo shirt, and hair tied back with school ribbon.
Music Support Group
The St Margaret’s Music Support Group is a committee of dedicated parents who meet regularly to support the girls who participate in the school’s Music Program. The Music Support Group fundraises to purchase a range of instruments/equipment to enhance the department’s resources and organises and assists with refreshments at school concerts. The next Music Support Group meeting will be held on Tuesday 4 March 2025 at 5:00pm in the Circular Drive Classroom 01 (in front of the Arts Centre Foyer). We encourage parents from both primary and secondary schools to become involved.
Brad King