Special mention for the Pre-Prep and Prep students who, for some of them, it was their first time competing in a whole school competition. It was evident from their joy, excitement, and enthusiasm that they relished the day from lining up at the starting line, collecting a ribbon after they stepped across that finish line, interacting with the ‘big’ girls and just being ‘amongst it’.
Thank you to Ms Richards, Ms Edwards and Ms Rowe for their organisation. Thank you to all primary school staff for supporting their girls and their events. Thank you also to the Years 5 and 6 parents who worked tirelessly to provide lunch on the day. It was wonderful to see so many parents, relatives and friends of the girls attend and support them. Both the staff and girls appreciated your attendance.
Congratulations to the following houses who placed in the Track events:
1st Lawson
2nd Bede
3rd Chaucer
And to the following houses for placing in the Field Events:
1st Bede
2nd Tennyson
3rd Milton
Another highlight of this week and term was when students in Years 1 to 4 headed to the theatre to see the book, Fancy Long Legs come to life. This theatre experience followed two workshops that the girls in Prep-Year 3 experienced with Alex Van den Broek, the show’s Music Director and Luke Kennedy from The Little Red Company who have co-produced this new work. The offering of these experiences is testament to our commitment to students’ development of creativity. Creativity is described as putting your imagination to work and that is not just about being artistic, but it is the process of having original ideas that has value that is to create new ideas, new approaches, new actions, to challenge, to express, to experiment, to consider.
With the first day of holidays tomorrow, I thought it was timely to set a creativity challenge. During the holidays, provide opportunities for your child to be creative and the simple act of making something new. Engage in these activities together or provide the opportunity - build a sandcastle, draw, build with Lego and boxes, play a thinking game, conduct experiments, visit the art gallery, or the museum, read together (this can be an AR book), play board games and cook. Not only will you be encouraging creativity, but you will be spending enjoyable time together.
Interestingly, research has found the happiest childhood memories that adults hold have two common threads. First, childhood happiness always centres on activities experienced together as a family. Second, the most pleasurable childhood times almost always centred around simple activities.
During the holidays do something different, fun and something that involves laughter, play and creativity. Just enjoy the break from routine and I look forward to seeing everyone next term.
Angela Drysdale